Access to e-media

Members of the Flensburg universities have access to the e-media of their respective university. Log in with your network access data (EUF or FUAS). We recommend logging into the Discovery-System via EZproxy.

Access to the entire range of e-media (i.e. also to the e-media of the "other" Flensburg university) is available at the internet computers in the reading room. Guest users can also access the e-media there.

Wi-Fi is available to all members of Flensburg's universities throughout the library building, as well as in the STUDYbox.

The ZHB recommends using the eduroam Wi-Fi. You can download the necessary software here.

The easiest way to use the e-media is via the Discovery-System. Log in to your university's stock in the Discovery-System directly after your search with your network access data under Für Zugriff auf E-Medien bitte hier anmelden in the header. Please note that the header may be covered by the cookie banner. If the header is not displayed, you are already logged in to the Discovery-System. You now have access to the indexed electronic media as well as to non-indexed databases via the links in the right-hand column.

Please note that for technical reasons, individual e-books that have been imported from the catalogue cannot be used even after registration. In most cases, these titles are exclusively activated for the other university and can be used at the Internet PCs in the reading room. .

The links to licensed databases in DBIS have already been provided with the appropriate EZproxy prefix. Make sure that you use the link for your university in DBIS if two links are available (under Recherche starten or Weitere lizenzierte Zugänge). Log in to the login window with your network access data.

Alternatively, you can set up a bookmarklet (= bookmark with JavaScript) in your browser. If you are on a website where a full text is offered for download with costs and you suspect that the full text might be licensed by your university, click on the bookmarklet and log in with your network access data.

You can see whether you are correctly logged in in the address bar of your browser: The actual URL is followed by or


If the desired full text is licensed, you can now download it free of charge. If the full text is still not available free of charge or an error message appears (Oops! It looks like you have attempted to view a page that has not been configured for access.), there is no licence for your university. If necessary, you can access the holdings of the other university via the internet computers in the reading room or order the printed version via interlibrary loan.

Instructions EUF   Instructions FUAS

  • Individual e-books in the Discovery-System, which were imported from the ZHB catalogue, may not be activated for your university. Unfortunately, these media cannot be separated automatically according to the respective stocks. In these cases, please use the internet computers in the reading room.
  • Old browser cookies are a frequent cause of errors. Therefore, in case of EZProxy problems, you should first delete the cookies from your browser, close the browser, restart it and then try again.
  • Sometimes there are also difficulties if the security options in the browser settings are set "too strict", e.g. if cookies are rejected as a matter of principle. In this case, you must explicitly allow cookies from EZProxy in the settings.
  • Sometimes images or navigation elements of websites accessed via EZProxy are not displayed or are displayed incorrectly. This can usually be remedied by reloading the page.
  • When using the bookmarklet, the message Oops! It looks like you have attempted to view a page that has not been configured for access. may appear. You will not be able to access the content on these pages. If necessary, you can access the stock of the other university at the internet computers in the reading room or order the printed version via interlibrary loan.
  • The databases beck-online/beck-eLibrary and Scifinder-n require a separate registration. Please note the respective instructions in DBIS.

With many publishers and databases, you can authenticate yourself via your university using Shibboleth. Generally, you go to Login and then to Login via Institution or Shibboleth/OpenAthens. You can then search for Flensburg and select your university. Log in there with your network access data.

If the desired full text is licensed, you can now download it free of charge. If the full text is still not available free of charge, there is no licence for your university. If necessary, you can access the stock of the other university at the internet computers in the reading room or order the printed version via interlibrary loan.

This service is not available for all providers.

In order to gain access via VPN, you will need a VPN client, which you can find on the website of the Europa-Universität or Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. There you will also find instructions on how to install and use the VPN client. This service is only available to a limited extent for students of the Europa-Universität. Please use the other access options.

You can log in to the internet computers in the reading room using the number of your library card and your password.

To gain access to the e-media of the respective university, please use the corresponding stock in the Discovery-System. Click on Für Zugriff auf E-Medien bitte hier anmelden in the header. You will not be asked for your access data at the internet computers, and you can access the e-media.

Notes on copyright

For all e-media, the regulations of copyright law and the respective licence conditions apply. In general:

  •     Access to the full texts is only permitted for members of the licensing university. In addition, as a rule for library users at the internet computers in the reading room.
  •     Full texts may only be printed or stored for personal use and research purposes. Commercial use or exploitation is not permitted.
  •     Systematic downloading of e-books, articles, database contents or search results, especially by robots, is prohibited.
  •     Full texts may not be passed on to third parties either electronically or in printed form and may not be made publicly accessible.

Failure to comply with these terms of use may result in the blocking of the respective offer for the entire campus by the respective provider.

In individual cases, further regulations may apply independently of these. Please note the terms of use on the pages of the providers.

Further information on copyright in teaching and research can be found here.

Further information and help

+49 461 805-2916
1.OG Mitte
Auf dem Campus 3
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg